Wednesday 24 February 2016

We've Changed Our Name!

Greetings :)

If you haven't already noticed, there have been a few key changes to Hellenismos of Manitoba - or should I say, Hestia's Hearth. Yes, we've changed our group name. There were a few reasons behind this:

1) Hellenismos of Manitoba sounded a bit too professional 
2) Limiting the group to members living in Manitoba only, was unrealistic
3) People recognize the name of a goddess easier than the term Hellenismos

Therefore the name change took place last night and I've been slowly working on changing over the FB page and this blog to reflect the new changes. I also advertised the FB Group on two popular Hellenic FB pages in hopes that we can attract some more active members. Active participantion and discussion is an important part of learning and growing as a community. As of this moment we have welcomed 6 new members to the FB group! 

This blog had been silent over the past few months as my focus had been on establishing my personal Inner and Outer Hellenic Magical Orders. I've now gotten to the point where I can refocus on building Hestia's Hearth into a proper Modern Hellenic Community.

Why the term Modern?

Well, we are modern people living in modern times, however I personally feel that the concept is lost on most Hellenics who are trying to revive an ancient tradition. For example, our group does not follow an ancient calendar. I have yet to see the reason why we should. Following a calendar that was structured around the lives of people that lived in Ancient Athens 2000+ years ago makes little sense to me. I'd much rather do the research and create our own calendar which is properly suited to modern times and the geography of the land in which we live: Manitoba, Canada.

As well, our group utilizes concepts of magical practice, be they Hermetic, Qabalistic, European Witchcraft, or American Conjure. Many other Greek Revivalist groups don't acknowledge magic at all. However through our independent research into topics such as The Greek Magical Papyri, the History of the Qabalah, and the History of Hermetics, we feel that Ancient Greece did in fact incorperate magical pracitices and techniques and was heading more and more to a magical way of thinking. 

Maybe at this point it is important to point out that the type of magic we are speaking about is not the New Agey 'love, light, crystals and spells' that are so popular amoung Neo-pagans of today. When we speak of magic we speak of deep communion with diety; of disecting the myths and journeying into the stories to come away with a new look on life and the world around us. Invoking Hera into our lives and home to help us with a troubled marriage, or working intensely with Ares to over come our quick to rise anger issues. 

With that said, I'm looking forward to writing more frequently for this blog and getting some good conversations started in the Hellenic community.

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