About Hestia's Hearth

About Us

Hestia's Hearth (HH), began in December of 2014, as a Facebook group page, (then titled Hellenismos of Manitoba, or HoM for short) by founder, Asteria Onyx. From it's humble beginnings as a three person Facebook group, we have received enough interest and support from Manitoba's Pagan community to branch out further and offer Monthly Open Libation Rituals that are dedicated to one of the 12 Olympians. Due to the limitations of Facebook groups, this blog was created to help teach and inspire Hellenists from Manitoba and around the world.

Our Mission

Our mission at HH is to restore the gods of Ancient Hellas (Greece) to their former glory. To do this, HH strives to rise awareness of these great Gods and their ancient practices. We understand that life in the time of Homer and Hesiod is vastly different from today's fast paced, technologically advanced life. However, we believe that by reviving old practices and customs, and adding in a little "modern" magic, that we can make worship of the Theoi meaningful once again. 

What Is Hellenismos?

Firstly, it is important to note that there was no term in antiquity for Hellenic (Greek) religious practice. Religion was a part of every day life. It wasn't something separate that was only done on Sundays at temple. It was every day, every moment, woven into society. 

With that said, the term Hellenismos is a modern term. It arose from a myth of the first human beings of the current Iron Age of Man. In it's simplest form, Hellenismos refers to Ancient Greek religion. However, there is a lot of in-fighting over who can/should use the term. 

Hellenic Reconstructionalists believe this term is just for them. That Hellenismos refers to Recon practices only, and shun the use of the term by modern "Neo-Pagan" Practitioners.  Therefore other terms have arisen to describe the revival of Ancient Hellenic practice, including Dodekatheism, and Olympianism, to name a few. 

The HH has chosen to use the term Hellenismos since it incorporates the entire Ancient Hellenic "religion" and does not single out one aspect as higher than another. (The terms Dodekatheism and Olympianism, both refers directly upon worship of the 12 Gods of Olympus).

With that said, Hestia's Hearth as a community, practices Hellenismos, the revival of Ancient Greek practices as it relates to religion, spirituality, and every day life. 

Do You Practice Magic?

Why yes, we do. 

Contrary to the belief of my many Hellenic practitioners, the Ancient Greeks did in fact practice magic. How else could we explain the existence of the Greek Magical Papyri? Surely the inner workings of the Eleusinian Mysteries contained magic as well.

The type of magic we are speaking of is not the New Age idea of The Secret: Think positive and positive things will come to you. We are talking about deep communion with deity. Forming relationships with the Gods and nurturing those relationships. Activating planetary, earthly, and elemental energy to work in your favour. 

Our Founder, Asteria Onyx, an initiated Ceremonial Magician in the Ogdoadic Mysteries Tradition. She has studied British Traditional Witchcraft, and dabbled in American Conjure practices. Therefore, HH offers to it's members a unique experience of Ancient Hellenic customs and practices, with more modern flavours of Hermetic Magic, Conjure, and European Witchcraft blended in. 

Associated with Hestia's Hearth is an Inner and Outer Magical Order.  These magical orders are initiatory and oath bound.

What Does the Future Look Like for HH?

Currently our main goal is to educate people about the myths of Ancient Hellas. This includes topics from Cosmogony, Theogony, The Ages of Man, The Titans, The Olympians, The Heroes, The Khthonioi, etc.  We also wish to educate people on the every day lives of Ancient Hellenics and see if some of these principles, like the Delphic Maxims, can be valuable to modern day life. 

As a Community we would like to serve the Winnipeg community at large. We are looking into supporting charity events, fundraisers, and we support the creation of a Winnipeg Pagan Pride Festival.

The creation of this blog is an attempt to move forward to towards attaining our goals. 

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