Hellenic Time Line

Written here is a simple Time Line for Ancient Greece. I've only included key points, and glossed over more than a few wars. The while HH is interested in Ancient Greece life, we are more interested in life as it revolved around religion. 

Adapted from The Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece.

Early History

40,000 BCE - The first people settle in Greece, hunting and gathering food.

c.6500-3000 BCE - First inhabitants settle on Crete. Pottery is made in Greece    
                            and Crete.

c.5200-2000 BCE - Farming spreads in northern and western Europe.

c.4000 BCE - Evidence of early inhabitants in the Cyclades islands including 
                    remains of metalwork.

The Bronze Age: c.2900-1000 BCE

c.2900 BCE - Population of Greece increases, towns develop and metal is widely 

- - c.2686-2181 BCE - Old Kingdom in Egypt. The pyramids are built.

c.2500 BCE - Troy is founded.

- - c.2000 BCE - The building of the Stonehenge begins in England.

c.2000 BCE - Possible arrival of the first Greek-speaking people in Greece.

c.1900 BCE - Rise of Minoan culture on Crete.

c.1700 BCE - Cretan palaces are destroyed by earthquakes, then rebuilt.

c.1600 BCE - Rise of Mycenaean culture in Greece.

c.1500-1450 BCE - Traditional date given for the eruption of Thera.

c.1450 BCE - Cretan palaces are destroyed. Knossos is taken over by 
                    Mycenaeans and rebuilt. Mycenaean power increases.

c.1400 BCE - Knossos is abandoned. 

c.1250 BCE - Main fortifications built at Mycenae and other sites. Traditional 
                    date of the start of the Trojan War. 

c.1200 BCE - Mycenaean power declines. Migration of Sea Peoples.

The Dark Ages: c.1100-800 BCE

By 1100 BCE - Mycenaean way of life has collapsed.

- - c.1100 BCE - Phoenicians spread throughout the Mediterranean and develop 
                        alphabetic writing.

c.900 BCE - State of Sparta is founded.

Between 850-750 BCE - Homer, the epic poet, probably lived at this time.

The Archaic Period: c.800-500 BCE

c.800 BCE - Greeks resume trading contacts with other peoples. They adapt 
                  Phoenician writing to create an alphabet for their own language.

776 BCE - Traditional date of the first Olympic Games, held at Olympia.

- - 753 BCE - Date Traditionally given for the founding of the city of Rome.

c.750-650 BCE - People start to emigrate from Greece, founding colonies around 
                         the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
                      - Hesiod, the poet, said to have lived during this time.

c.740-720 BCE - Spartans begin expanding their territory, and conquer the 
                         nearby state of Messenia.

c.650 BCE - Tyrants seize power in Greece.

c.546 BCE - The Persians conquer Greek colonies in Ionia (Turkey).

508 BCE - Cleisthenes seizes power in Athens and introduces reforms which lead 
               to democracy.

500-479 BCE - Numerous battles between the Greeks and Persians take place.

The Classical Age: c.500-323 BCE

478-362 BCE - Much of the key events during this period involve countless wars 
                      between Athens, the Delian League, Sparta, and the Persians. 

359 BCE - Phillip II becomes King of Macedonia.

340 BCE - The Greek states form the Hellenic League against threat to Greece 
               pose by Phillip of Macedonia.

338 BCE - Phillip II defeats the Hellenic League and becomes ruler of Greece. 
               This marks the end of the independence of the Greek city-states.

337 BCE - Greek states join the Corinthian League, led by Phillip II. The league 
               declares war on Persia. 

336 BCE - Phillip II dies, probably murdered, and is succeeded by his son, 
               Alexander the Great.

333-327 BCE - Alexander the Great defeats and conquers the Persians, 
                      Phoenicia, Samaria, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, etc. 

323 BCE - Alexander the Great dies. 

Hellenistic Age: c.323-30 BCE

Hellenic Age was marked with many wars between Greece, Persia, Rome, etc. 

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