
Welcome to our Terminology Page.  Here you can find definitions to the numerous Greek and magical terms that are used not only on this blog, but also during rituals and gatherings.  

At HH, we try to use the Greek translation of words as opposed to the Latin translation. However, even then, words sometimes lose their diacritical marks, example: writing Bomos instead of Bômos.  Listed on this page you will find the most common usage of the term, followed by popular Latin translation or correct Greek translation in brackets. 

Another great resource is YSEE's English Lexicon of Standard Terminology for Hellenismos.

Agathos Daemon - (Greek: agathodaímōn) - meaning "noble spirit"; household spirits who protect the family, house and bloodline, or Theoi. Also the name of a festival held on the second day after the new moon.

Bomos - an altar for the Ouranic Theoi; where magical workings are done.

Bothros - offering pit to the Khthonic Theoi; usually dug into the earth.

Ceremonial Magic (CM) - also referred to as high magic and as learned magic in some cases, is a broad term used in the context of Hermeticism or Western esotericism to encompass a wide variety of long, elaborate, and complex rituals of magic.

Chiton (Greek: khitōn)- clothing. Came in two forms: the Doric chiton and the later Ionic chiton. The Doric style was open on one side, sleeveless and didn't have the apoptygma the peplos had, while the Ionic chiton was pinned or sewn from top to bottom, was made with a much wider piece of fabric, and had sleeves. Worn by both men and women.

Deipnon (Hekate's) - monthly festival day on the day of the new moon where the house is prepared for the new month. Dedicated to Hekate and usually celebrated with Hekate's Dinner.

Delphic Maxims - the Delphic Maxims are a list of 147 guidelines towards an ethical life. Received from the Oracle of Delphi.

Egregore - is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.

Epithets - an attachment to the name of a God or Goddess, used to indicate either a specific domain of the Deity, a specific origin myth or region from which the Deity came, or an entirely different entity, through either domain or origin.

Eschára - low lying altar used for burnt offerings to the Khthonioi

Hellen - the preferred term for a citizen of ancient Greece.

Hellenist - the preferred term for a practitioner of Hellenismos.

Hellas - the preferred term for ancient and modern day Greece.

Hellenismos  - the modern reconstruction of the ancient Greek religion. 

Homeric Hymns - Hymns to numerous deities which are attributed to Homer, a poet from circa 8th century BCE.

Katharmos  - ritual purification, one of the pillars of Hellenismos.

Kharis - religious reciprocity.

Khernibeionas  - holder for khernips.

Khernips  - ritually purified water to remove miasma. Held in a Khernibeionas.

Khoe  - a type of libation where the entire content is poured out. Reserved for Khthonic Gods, Goddesses and other Underworld beings, like spirits or ghosts, as well as earth Deities. Consists of a measure of honey, milk and dark-red wine. Opposite of a sponde.

Khthonioi - deities of the Underworld. Includes Hades, Persephone, Hekate, Hermes Khthonios, etc.

Libation - liquid sacrifice or offering.

Manna  - powdered frankincense. Standard ritual offering. 

Miasma - describes the lingering aura of uncleanliness; literally 'pollution'. Miasma occurs whenever the space or person comes into contact with death, sickness, birth, sex, excessive negative emotions and bodily fluids. Especially death and birth, because these acts create a connection to the Underworld. One must be purified of miasma to properly approach the Theoi.

Noumenia - name of a festival held on the first day after the new moon. The main purpose of the monthly festival is to kick off the new month and appease all Deities connected to this.

Oikos - literally  'home', 'house', 'family' or 'bloodline'.

Oracle - person or practice to divine answers from the Gods on current troubles.

Orphic Hymns - Hymns to numerous deities which arose from Orphism.

Orphism - the name given to a set of religious beliefs and practices originating  in the ancient Hellenic world, associated with literature ascribed to the mythical poet Orpheus, who descended into Hades and returned. This is where we receive the Orphic Hymns.

Ouranic Theoi - term that refers to the children of Ouranos (Sky). Usually meaning the Gods that are associated with Mount Olympus. Does not include Khthonic deities. 

Protogenoi - first Born Deities of the Greek Kosmos; Aether (Light), Ananke (Fate or Compulsion), Khronos  'Time'), Erebos (Darkness), Eros (Desire or Love), Gaea (Earth), Khaos (Chaos or Air), Nyx (Night), Ôkeanos (Water),  Ouranos (Sky), etc.

Sponde - a libation given, partly, to the deity or deities offered to, and partly drunken by those given the libation. Opposite of a khoe.

Temenos - temple space; sacred temple space.

Theoi - Hellenic term for the Gods.

Theos - Hellenic term for a single God or Goddess.

UPG - non-Hellenic term meaning 'Unverified Personal Gnosis'. Used to label 
personal insight into the Gods not derived from ancient, reputable, sources.

Xenia - ritual hospitality, one of the pillars of Hellenismos.

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