Friday 24 July 2015

Monthly Libations to the Theoi

Modern life is busy. Everyone has a schedule and it can be hard to find time to honour the Gods. 

That's why, Hellenismos of Manitoba has made it a tradition that on the first Sunday of the month, we pour a libation to one of the Olympic gods. 

This was a habit I picked up from being a member of Hellenion, an American Hellenic Reconstruction group. Twelve months of the year corresponds perfectly to the Twelve Olympians and I have added my own spin and acknowledge the Khthonioi as well.

Here's how it looks:

January - Zeus
February - Aphrodite 
March - Hermes
April - Artemis
May - Apollon
June - Hera
July - Athena
August - Ares
September - Dionysos
October - Demeter [Persephone, Hades & Hekate]
November - Poseidon
December - Hephaistos

This is the way I have chosen to set up the calendar since I feel it makes sense to living in Manitoba. For example, grape harvest and wine making usually begins and takes place during September, hence this month is for Dionysos. Honouring Demeter and the stories connecting her, Persephone, Hades and Hekate, in October makes sense since it corresponds to the thinning of the veil during the Modern Pagan Sabbat of Samhian.

I encourage you to make it out to one of HoM's Open Libation Rituals. Not only is it a great way to experience Hellenismos in practice, but you can also meet and mingle with like minded people. 

If you cannot make it out to one of our rituals, you are encouraged to pour your own libation of wine to the specified god on the first Sunday of the monthly.  The ritual does not need to be fancy. You could simply recite a Homeric or Orphic hymn to the Theos, state your desire to further develop a relationship with the deity, and pour your libation. 

The act of doing is important however. Reading feeds the mind. Doing feeds the soul. 

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