Wednesday 18 May 2016

Greek Alphabet Oracle Stones

I've been rediscovering divination techniques lately. While I own a few tarot decks, I mostly use the them as an alliance in studying and understanding the Qabalah and working up the paths on the Tree of Life. (For anyone interested in that I recommend Robert Wang's book "The Qabalistic Tarot". It is most excellent.)

I also own a copper pendulum that I purchased years ago, in what I like to consider the "beginnings" of my serious magical/spiritual/religious exploration. While it was fun in the beginnings, it was not a serious method to divine anything worth while.

And so, in my searches around the web, (and in my recent interests into Heathenry), I came upon an interesting site which covered the Greek Alphabet Oracle. Here is the link:

I liked the clear information and decided to give them a try. So I headed to my local Michael's craft store and purchased a number of round wooden chips. 

A total of 24 chips was needed, and they come in packs of 7 so I had a few left over which was good in case of mistakes. My first inclination was to paint all the chips one solid color, but the more I thought about it, I thought it would be nice to have the chips be two colors. I settled on blue and white and realized towards the end that those are the colors of the modern Greek flag. Total fluke, lol.

Once they were painted, I took a black sharpie and drew on the letters of the Greek Alphabet. I know, sharpie is not very fancy, not like wood burning, but it did the trick. Then I sprayed them with a coat of clear enamel.

Now that they were finished, it was just a matter of blessing them. I knew I wanted to call upon Apollon as God of the Oracles and Omens, but I had to wait till my son was out of the house so I would not be interrupted, lol. 

The video can be found here on YouTube: